Seven Knights 2, the official "Seven Knights" sequel, is an RPG with an action-packed story full of cinematic scenes. Discover a large cast of heroes and heroines as you explore this expansive world, collecting all kinds of resources and upgrades for your characters along the way, both of which are necessary if you want to make it to the end of this gorgeous RPG.
In this game, you join the Mercenaries of the Dawn to help them with the difficult task of finding Rudy, the last living member of the Seven Knights. On your way to rescue Rudy, you'll have to fight against countless enemy troops that have conquered the territory you pass through. It won't be easy, either. Each character has unique abilities and characteristics that you can use to your advantage on the battlefield as you fight to defeat your enemies. Find the best combination of strengths until there's no enemy strong enough to stop you and your team.
One of the best aspects of Seven Knights 2 is its automatic controls, which let you enjoy the story in a new way. Choose the style of play you like best or switch it up on a whim to keep things fresh. Exploring the world and winning tough battles is bound to be difficult, but only you can choose how to face it.
There are more than 40 different characters in this sequel, many of whom played an important part in "Seven Knights". Beyond that, the engaging story and detailed landscapes will keep you hooked as you investigate mysteries clue by clue and enjoy this world full of possibilities and cinematic scenes.
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